Masbia Host - “Machnas Orach” - Copper - $600

Knowing that many people would like to be part of our holy work feeding the needy throughout the year, we have created a category called “Machnis Orach” a Hebrew title given to someone who regularly has guests. This donation allows contributors to become a Masbia Copper host for a one year monthly donation of $50 which can also be made in total on an annual basis.

Who's donating

Shauna Singer
Shauna Singer
Testing mode: Transactions will not be processed. Use your regular credit card to test, you will not actually be charged.
Contributions are tax deductible.


Showing 3 reactions

  • Shauna Singer
    donated 2018-07-10 05:51:52 -0400
  • Shauna Singer
    started a recurring donation 2018-06-10 18:03:06 -0400
  • Shauna Singer
    donated 2018-06-10 18:03:06 -0400